The Importance of Eye Examination in Infants

17 Mayıs 2022

The most fundamental error parents make in our nation when it comes to the eye health of infants and young children is waiting until the child reaches the appropriate age to express a complaint. In developed nations, infant and child eye exams are performed routinely and systematically, much like childhood vaccinations, and are repeated at specific intervals.

With this system, which we have been working to spread throughout our nation in recent years, not only laziness-causing eye conditions will be prevented, but also rare eye conditions like childhood eye tumors, glaucoma (eye pressure), cataract, diabetes, and hypertension, which are thought to only affect adults but can also develop in infancy and childhood and result in severe damage if left untreated. Moreover, diseases can be identified. Early intervention can save lives and be much more beneficial. For instance, we have patients who were referred to rheumatology after a routine eye exam revealed abnormal findings, and they began treatment with a diagnosis of rheumatic disease even though they had minimal joint complaints.

Children should have their eyes examined within the first six months. If this time is missed, the first exam should be finished by age 2 at the latest, and repeated when a student is four years old and beginning primary school. By measuring with eye examination, rather than eye screening, and using eye drops that enlarge the pupil, it should be possible to determine whether both eye structures and eye numbers are appropriate for age.

Eye disorders are inherited, so just because neither parent has a genetic defect does not guarantee that the child will not. The first few years are very important in the development of laziness, the response to treatment is better in the early period, but it does not respond to treatment after the age of 7, the importance of early and routine examination. The incidence of eye disorders is 25% in preschool children, amblyopia is seen in 3-4% of the society. better comprehension

Myopia is the inability to see distances. Children who are myopic frequently do not recognize their conditions because they can see clearly up close and assume that everyone sees distance in this way. The opposite of myopia is not exactly hyperopia. Although the child has trouble seeing in the distance, he can partially sharpen the distant image by using his eye muscles. However, after some time (for example, during lengthy readings), the image starts to blur as he will need to adapt more. Additionally, trying to concentrate can occasionally result in introversion.

The ability to see clearly is improved by wearing glasses, which does not alter, expand, or contract the size. It's important to wear glasses frequently and all the time. No method exists for removing the glasses and giving the eyes a rest; on the contrary, the glasses soothe the eyes.

What Are Other Findings That Can Warn Families About Eye Disorders?

If one of your child's pupils appears to be white. If one of the eyelids is too low to seriously cover the pupil of the eye, if the pupils differ in size and shape, and if there is eye tremor (nystagmus). If your baby's eyes are larger than usual, it means that the light is making them very uncomfortable and that they are watering. If the gliding persists in babies after six months, in older kids who are exhausted and sleepy, or if you think an eye is squinting while looking at something nearby. If in the sunlight he or she shuts one eye. If he refuses to make age-appropriate eye contact, shows no interest in his toys, wants to get too close to the television because he can't see it from a distance, If he rubs his eyes excessively, blinks frequently, or keeps his head cocked. Bring him in for an eye exam if he claims that the words in a book get mixed up, he gets tired easily, loses interest in reading, skips lines, can't follow a line without rubbing his finger along it, or has trouble seeing three-dimensional images in movies. It might be simpler for the family to talk the child through the exam and, if at all possible, teach him to draw the letter E to demonstrate the direction of the lines with his hands. In conclusion, let's make sure that every child receives an eye examination at the earliest possible age, preferably before the age of two. Let's repeat the examination even if there are no issues at ages 4 and 6, so that our children, who are our most valuable asset, have a clear and optimistic outlook on the future. Wishing you healthy days.

Op. Dr. Fatma Altınsoy

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