Why is Myopia Important in Children? Treatment and Prevention

17 Mayıs 2022

Myopia And Child

In society, myopia is very prevalent. One out of every two people (50%) has it. Myopia occurs when either the cornea—the transparent window at the front of the eye—is too steeply curved or the anteroposterior diameter of the eye is longer than normal. As a result, objects far away from you appear blurry. In some instances, myopia can be treated with glasses, contacts, or surgery. Myopia can increase your risk of later developing eye conditions like cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachment.

Myopia among children is reportedly becoming more prevalent, according to some sources. Research indicates that kids who spend more time indoors, doing close-focused activities (like computer work, video games, and reading), have higher rates of myopia than kids who spend more time outdoors. However, there is no direct correlation between the two.

Medical professionals are attempting to slow the progression of myopia in children. The aim of treatment is to stop myopia from getting worse even though it cannot be reversed. Even if a child later needs to wear glasses or contact lenses, this can safeguard their eye health.

Low Dose Atropine Eye Drops

Atropine eye drops may be a familiar substance to you. During eye exams, they are used to enlarge patients' pupils. The drops can slow the progression of myopia when administered to kids over the course of two to three years in small doses.

Children between the ages of 5 and 18 are prescribed low doses of atropine for myopia. Before going to bed every night, drops are injected into the eye. Redness or itching around the eyes are possible side effects of atropine drops in low doses.

Contact lenses with peripheral defocus

Children with myopia between the ages of 6 and 12 wear these particular contact lenses. Different focal points are present in this "multifocal" contact lens. Imagine this kind of lens as a dartboard with many nested circles inside. While the outer portions of the lens block or distort the child's peripheral focus, the center of the lens corrects blurry far vision. Myopia is believed to be limited and eye growth slowed by blurred side vision.

It's possible that peripheral defocus contact lenses won't always function. However, some kids, including those whose parents are nearsighted and whose myopia is deteriorating, appear to benefit from these lenses.

There is a chance of developing a corneal infection, just like with any contact lens. To prevent infection, make sure your child knows how to properly wear, care for, and store contact lenses.

Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)

An orthokeratology contact lens is one that a child wears at night to treat daytime farsightedness. Lenses, also referred to as Ortho-K, flatten your cornea while you sleep. The light that passes through the reshaped cornea the following day falls precisely on the retina, improving the clarity of distant images.

Only temporarily does wearing Ortho-K lenses improve vision. Myopia returns when you stop wearing lenses because the cornea gradually takes on its regular shape. Even so, ortho-K might slow the progression of myopia in the long run.

Steps You Can Take With Your Child to Slow Myopia

Give your child more time to play outside. Limit your use of computers and other electronic devices. You can lessen your child's myopia and safeguard their eyesight as they grow by balancing screen time with time spent outdoors.

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